Friday, February 22, 2008

Who's fault is it?

According to Jack Lessenberry, “Right-to-Work” and “Paycheck Protection” means union-busting. For this, he blames the Republicans. Let’s look at what each of these really means.

“Right-to-Work” means when a laborer hires into a company, they have a choice – join a union or not. Today, they have no choice. If a laborer gets hired in a union-represented company, they must join.

“Paycheck Protection” means a union must seek permission from a laborer to use dues from that laborer for political lobbying. Today, that permission is not required.

So according to Lessenberry’s logic, if a laborer is given a choice, they will not support unions. And somehow this is the Michigan Republican Party’s fault? If the unions need the force of law to coerce dues and membership, they are at fault, not the Republicans.

[Letter to the Editor - Metro Times. Published 03/26/2008.]

1 comment: said...

And further, if you want to ascribe credit to the GOP for giving hard working Michigan moms and dads MORE freedom I don't see that as a bad thing.
