Friday, June 08, 2007

Power corrupts

The corruption in Washington is unavoidable because, as Lord Acton pointed out, power corrupts and too much power has been placed within the grasp of politicians. When originally founded, our federal government was one of limited powers as defined by the Constitution. Unfortunately, government has gained ground.

Today, Washington exerts tremendous control over vast areas of our lives and the economy. From energy to education to health care, politicians use regulations and tax policy to mold the country into their image. In turn, corporations and special interests seek favors through campaign contributions, gifts, and outright bribes.

Politicians who peddle influence or accept bribes are merely symptoms of a greater problem. If government were restricted to its appropriate and limited powers, politicians would have no influence to peddle. If guilty, Rep. William Jefferson certainly deserves a lengthy prison sentence. However to solve the bigger problem, we must return government to its proper role. Remember this the next time you demand that your representatives do “something” about high gas prices, student loans, or affordable health insurance. If not, you need to accept that men are not angels and they will forever be tempted by the power we cede to them.

[Letter to the Editor - The State News. Published 06/11/2007.]

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