Monday, January 04, 2010

Write on Maxeys

Background: A letter in the Observer called for a show of hands on those wanting a one-year moratorium on publishing letters from Gerald and Dolores Maxey. I think stupid letters like that do a disservice to those of us who seek to challenge the opinions and ideas of people such as the Maxeys.

As a long time reader and writer of letters to the Farmington Observer, I am very acquainted with the written opinions of the Maxeys and I could probably count on one hand (with fingers left over) the number of times I have agreed with them. However, I found the letter asking for a show of hands from readers who would like to see a one-year moratorium on the Maxeys to be silly.

While I give the author the benefit of doubt on his seriousness, the mere statement calls for a response. I want to see the Maxeys published. The editorial pages of the Observer would be bland without the diverse opinions and debates brought by various writers. Personally, I derive little satisfaction preaching to the choir. Society benefits when ideas clash and opinions are challenged.

Rather than silence them, better to refute their infatuation with Obama and support for bigger government with facts and a dose of reality. So write on, Gerald and Dolores. Write on.

[Letter to the Editor - The Farmington Observer. Published 01/07/2010.]

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