Friday, January 29, 2010

Reject it if endorsed by Granholm

Background: Voters will be asked to approve a constitutional convention to open the Michigan Constitution for an overhaul. While the constitution has some painful deficiencies, opening it for changes will lead to disaster for the citizens of this state.

Granholm's support for changing the Michigan Constitution should be enough for people to oppose a constitutional convention. Granholm is clueless to what it takes to successfully run the state government. She says Michigan has changed since 1963 and the constitution needs to as well. Citizens would be prudent to consider something else that has changed - the influence of special interests in government. Those special interests will have a feeding frenzy if the constitution is opened up for change and instead of having ignorant policies come and go with each administration, we'll be stuck with them.

[Online comment - The Detroit News. Posted 01/29/2010.]

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