Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Speaking of intent

Background: In December 2007, a new law took effect that requires school districts to seek competitive bids for health insurance. This was one of a couple of reforms that the state legislature managed to pass in an effort to rein in rising costs of benefits for public school employees. The law requires insurance carriers to provide claims data to school districts so they can get those bids. MESSA, the MEA's insurance subsidiary, states it doesn't have to provide historical data only the data it gathers starting on the date the law took effect. In an effort to get a competitive bid, a school district asked employees for a health history since the claims information was not being provided. The result? The MEA, which refuses to provide the information mandated by law, accuses school districts of violating the privacy rights of their employees.

Michigan Public Act 106 requiring school districts to seek competitive health insurance bids also requires the MEA’s insurance subsidiary MESSA to provide districts with claims data to facilitate this bid process. Unfortunately, MESSA refuses to give school districts any historical data and will only compile information starting in December 2007 when the new law took effect.

Without the historical claims information, school districts can’t get a competitive bid from alternative insurance carriers. For this reason, the Lawton district is asking employees for a personal health history. If the legislature follows the Free Press’s advice and evaluates the privacy concerns of the law, I would suggest they investigate the MEA’s attempt to subvert the intent of the law.

[Letter to the Editor - Detroit Free Press. Submitted 04/29/2008.]


live dangerously said...

Hi Steve.
Just found your site. Too many coincidences to ignore. 1. My daughter for one moved from here (Muskegon) to Farmington Hills. 2. your ideas on limited gov. 3. your likes in movies and books. BTW Aldo reminds me of the Also in one of the planet of the Apes movies. lol. Anyway I put a link at my site for my readers however few they may be.
Regards Live Dangerously Be A Conservative.

live dangerously said...

Sorry I meant Aldo not Also in the Planet of the Apes thing. oops