Friday, April 14, 2006

Zandstra, the real economic conservative in Michigan

Recently, I met separately with Jerry Zandstra and Michael Bouchard in a small, informal gathering. I posed the following question to both: “What should be done about the large profits recently earned by oil companies?”

Zandstra answered “Nothing” followed by a brief discussion of economic principles in a free market.

Bouchard answered by mentioning he’d have to study the issue since he’s not an oil industry expert. He’d need to read the FTC reports about any possible unfair competition and question experts in the industry. He mentioned that since oil profits were lean in some years, this offsets the current years so the profits are probably acceptable.

If a conservative believes in free markets, the power of competition, and minimal government intrusion, then Jerry is the true conservative between him and Bouchard.

[Online comment at Posted 04/14/2006]

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